Oil and Gas

The largest volumes of products of the oil and gas industry are fuel oil and gasoline (petrol). Petroleum is the primary material for a multitude of chemical products, including pharmaceuticals, fertilizers, solvents and plastics. Petroleum is therefore integral to many industries, and is of critical importance to many nations as the foundation of their industries.

Nigeria Office

8-10, Adenubi Street,
Okata Isolo,
Lagos, Nigeria

US Office

One Reservoir Corporate Center
4 Research Drive, Suite 402,
Shelton, CT 06484
  + 1-888-980-5501
  + 1-877-712-5741

India Office

4th Floor Rectangle 1,
Commercial Complex D4, Saket,
New Delhi – 110017
  + 11-6654-4118
  (+91) 141 2974894

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